Monday, May 20, 2013

The CNC Machine Enclosure Is Getting Bigger!

  I was doing some simple work on the Solsylva CNC machine enclosure build project this morning and just had to take a couple of photos of the progress that I made.  If you have been following the blog over the past week or more you will have seen the video segments of this build that I have been documenting.  I took this photo of myself with the enclosure to show you just how big it will be once it is completed.
  This enclosure is four feet square but from this photo it looks more like five feet square.    I stand 5' 8" tall and this is will be 6' 3" tall when completed.  Just barely enough ceiling height to do the job.  It will make a great addition to the shop and my CNC machine.  

The clamps on the enclosure in this photo were used to hold everything together until I got the internal metal brackets mounted in place.  So far it's looking great!
  The ceiling light you also see in the photo is in the perfect location for use with the enclosure once it is moved into it's final place in the shop. I will be able to put a window in the top of the machine and this light should illuminate the CNC machine in the enclosure when I am running it.  That is the plan anyway.  If the light is not sufficient I will just add additional lighting to take care of it.  More video will be coming shortly but until then I wanted to get this out to you.  Kind of a little preview of the completed project. 


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