Friday, August 24, 2018

Blender 3D Motorcycle Concept and Animation Video

Around a month ago I completed a Blender 3D model of a three wheeled enclosed motorcycle that I had been working on.  One thing that I did not have time to post about is the evolution of the design along with the short animation that I had created for the single seat version of the design.  I had completed the animation but had been away on vacation so I thought I should get this out as soon as I could once I had returned. Thus the reason for this post.  Below is the completed four and a half minute long video that includes the animation.  If you have any suggestions of comments about the design please let me know. I would be happy to hear from you.

I may work on the design more some time in the future to refine it for at least a radio controlled model.  The real thing would be great but a ton of work would need to be done to design and build it properly, safely, and economically.  All issues that would have to be considered for any experimental vehicle like this to be sure.  In the meantime enjoy the video. 

For a larger view of the video select the YouTube icon.

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